This year the Greater Schuylkill USBC inducted three new members into its Hall of Fame.

Keith Zimmerman
Our first new member Keith Zimmerman has been inducted for longevity in the association. Keith is currently 64 years old and lives in St Clair, PA. Most of you have met Keith in one (or many) of your leagues. Keith has been an association member for over 45 years, during which he participated in over 60 different leagues.
Keith has participated in the PA State Open Championship tournament for 25 years, as well as five years at the PA State Senior Championship.
Keith has come close to perfection with a 278 game, and is just one pin short of a 700 with a
699 series. His estimated lifetime average is 170, with his highest season average being 191 during the 2008-2009 season.
We thank Keith for his participation in bowling throughout the years and wish him good luck in
future seasons.

Sandra Fitzgerald
Our next new member, Sandra Fitzgerald, has been inducted for service to the association.
Sandra is currently 64 years old and lives in Schuylkill Haven, PA. Sandra, and her husband
Daniel (also a Hall of Fame Member), have 2 children, and 4 grandchildren.
Sandra comes from and contributed to a lineage of bowlers. Her parents and grandparents
bowled, as well as both daughters and eldest grandson.
Sandra was the youth director at Plaza Lanes. She has been with Strike Zone Alleys for the
past 40 years. She has over 40 years of experience as a youth league secretary.
Sandra coached the first all-girls team in the area that qualified for the youth state tournament.
Her youngest daughter Erika was a member of that team.
In addition to her service to the sport, Sandra also participated in many leagues and
tournaments. Sandra started junior bowling in her sixth grade year at Westwood Lanes in 1965.
As a youth bowler, her team competed nationally and finished in second place.
She has participated in the PA State Open Championship twice, the PA State Women’s
Championship ten times, the PA State Mixed Championship three years, and the USBC Open
Championship (Nationals) one time.
Sandra was a member of the PA State Women’s Association 600 Club.
Her highest league average was 168, during the 2008-2009 season.
We appreciate the many years of service and are delighted to have Sandra be a member of the
Greater Schuylkill USBC Hall of Fame.

Eric Hosler
Our final new member, Eric Hosler, has been inducted for his achievement in the Greater Schuylkill USBC. Eric is 42, and resides in Pine Grove, PA. He and his wife Justine have three children. Eric started bowling as a youth bowler at Plaza Lanes. He has been an association member for over 25 years, serving as an association director for five of those years.
He has participated in over twenty Great Schuylkill USBC tournaments, 15 Pennsylvania State
Open Championships, 1 PA State Mixed Championship, and 12 years at the USBC Open Championships.
Eric has participated in 81 leagues and bowled over 5800 games since the 2000-2001 season.
Eric’s estimated lifetime average is a 214 – with a high average of 229 in the Sportsman league during the 2011-2012 season.
Eric has more 700 series than can be counted, 11 300 games, and 3 800 series – with a high of
815 bowled on November 3rd, 2008. Eric averaged 229 in the Sportsman league during the 2011-2012 season.
We are pleased to have Eric included with the other great bowlers already inducted in the
Greater Schuylkill Hall of Fame.