2021 GSUSBC Strike Zone Alleys House Championship Results

President Daniel Fitzgerald, Overall Champion Donna Keich, Tournament Director Paul Iommi
Handicap Champion: Daulton Schunke Senior / Overall Champion: Donna Keich President: Daniel Fitzgerald, Women’s Champion: Trysha Liegel, Tournment Director Paul Iommi, Scratch Champion: Shawn Blankenhorn

Qualifying Results:

3rd Annual No Tap Results

Thank you to all 43 teams / 86 bowlers who came out to bowl in this weekends tournament. The tournament was a success and we will be running it again next year (October 31st, 2021).

Congratulations to all of our champions:

Scratch Champions: Shawn Blankhorn & Russ Mountjoy

Handicap Champions: Zachary Miller & Cassandra Andregic

Optional Singles Scratch Champion: Billy Shultz

Optional Singles Handicap Champion: Cassandra Andregic

300 Games: Russ Mountjoy, Dan Fitzgerald, Lou Bair, Keith Monderewicz, Kristine Bensinger, Kurt Brobst, Brian Buehl

Complete results can be found here:

Handicap Champions Cassandra Andregic & Zachary Miller

2020 Strike Zone Alleys House Championship Results

Congratulations to Joseph Coates (Handicap Champion) ,Eric Krout (Scratch Champion), Jackie May (Women’s Champion) and John Daley (Senior Champion).

Thank you to all bowlers who competed in this weekends tournament. 74 bowlers competed – with 20 making the step ladder finals. Five games of qualifying were bowled, with results below:

Stepladder Results

Scratch Division

Match 1: (4) Paul Iommi defeats (5) Rob Jennings 268-222

Match 2: (3) Bill Martin defeats (4) Paul Iommi 246-199

Match 3: (2) Eric Krout defeats (3) Bill Martin 268-204

Championship Match: (2) Eric Krout defeats (1) Shawn Blankenhorn 223-181

Handicap Division

Match 1: (5) Caleb Smith defeats (4) Bryan Smith 212-196 (144-167)

Match 2: (3) Cody Petravich defeats (5) Caleb Smith 238-230 (199-162)

Match 3: (2) Carter Strouse defeats (3) Cody Petravich 249-245 (204-206)

Championship Match: (1) Joseph Coates defeats (2) Carter Strouse 239-188 (198-143)

Senior Division

Match 1: (4) Wes Houghton defeats (5) Joseph Mitchell 218-191 (191-156)

Match 2: (3) Anthony Burns defeats (4) Wes Houghton 229-187 (179-160)

Match 3: (2) John Daley defeats (3) Anthony Burns 277-179 (244-129)

Championship Match: (2) John Daley defeats (1) Garl Walsh 289-210 (259-184)

Woman’s Division

Match 1: (4) Lisa Buehl defeats (5) Joanne Reitnour 245-241 (161-205)

Match 2: (4) Lisa Buehl defeats (3) Samantha Lechleitner 229-208 (145-193)

Match 3: (4) Lisa Buehl defeats (2) Rebecca Gilbert 244-242 (160-213)

Championship Match: (1) Jackie May defeats (4) Lisa Buehl 251-243 (132-159)

Youth No Tap Results 2/9/2020

Congratulations to Simon Galante and Jamiel Freed for winning their respective divisions in the GSUSBC Youth No Tap on 2/9/2020. Connor Wagner, Cameron Hosler, and Kendra Gerber also were awarded scholarship dollars for their performance. Complete results are posted below

Upcoming Tournament: Youth No-Tap @ Pine Lanes

The Greater Schuylkill USBC will be holding the second Youth No-Tap tournament of the season at Pine Lanes on Sunday, February 9th. It will feature two divisions: Averages under 120 will bowl eight-pin no tap, while averages 120 and over will bowl nine-pin no tap. Hope to see all of our youth bowlers attend!